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Samuel Johnson and Love

Updated: 3 days ago

Celine Luppo McDaid, Director of Dr Johnson's House, speaks on Johnson and Love, and asks how does one define 'love'?

Johnson married a woman nearly twice his age, for love, and was plunged into the deepest depression of his life upon losing her in 1752, while working on his Dictionary.

In this lecture we explore Johnson's (complex) views on love and see just how many definitions the great lexicographer came up with for the greatest of human emotions...

What say you to the following?

"It is always necessary to be loved, but not always necessary to be reverenced."

Johnson: Rambler No. 188 (January 4, 1752)

The February 2024 installment of our monthly lunchtime lectures, part of an annual programme of talks held at Dr Johnson's House, kindly sponsored by The Fleet Street Quarter BID.

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