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A Levels

English Language

Johnson's 1755 A Dictionary of the English Language is directly linked to the A-level English unit on Language Change. Our popular workshops focus on bringing the Dictionary to life and giving the students a sense of the context in which it was written, including 17th-century word books, before taking a detailed look at the work itself.

Students have the chance to browse eighteenth-century copies of Johnson's Dictionary from our collection, look at examples of change in the meanings of words and language use, and explore Johnson's attitudes to language change together with the impact of his work.

This workshop costs £8.00 per student plus a £25 group fee and lasts 75 minutes. It includes a free teacher's resource pack. This pack is available to all teachers upon request.

Call us on 020 7353 3745 or email us for more details or to make a booking.

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